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There is likely to be no news here - a boon, perhaps, to those that crave positivity. As no news is good news, this may be the most positive news page on the entire internet - just due to the absence of any news; which, I'm sure you'll agree, is pretty good news.

There's nothing to see here...


That's right - move along, you're only wasting your own time and I will not be held accountable for any time lost whilst perusing this absence of information. You only have one life - and, whilst I'm honestly grateful for your attention, I believe you probably have better things to be doing.

Seriously - there's a whole internet out there...


Admittedly a lot of it is somewhat inappropriate for perusal in public spaces, on hand held devices (at least those that require both hands) and in the presence of minors, but there's bound to be something you can have a look at - try the random articles button on wikipedia, there's loads of stuff on there.

Did you know, for example...


That "Cover To Cover is a compilation of cover songs recorded by Neil Morse, Mike Portnoy and Randy George during the recording of the albums Testimony (2003), One (2004) and ? (2005) by Neal Morse"?




Or that...


The "X9 is a series of four-car electrical multiple units operated by Statens Jarngavar (SJ) of Sweden as express trains"?


Well you do now...


And I'm sure that, despite your overwhelming gratitude for the information, you have come to the conclusion that your own random article results would be far more enjoyable than those simply communicated to you without your participation in the actual clicking process. 


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